Payment Information
At The Tooth Doctor our appointments are tailored to the requirement of each individual. Our new patient fees for examination/consultation and dental hygiene are listed below. All other fees are quoted prior to any treatment undertaken. We have HICAPS onsite, so you can bring your private health insurance card to access your benefit immediately.
Examination/consultation fees
An adult patient initial comprehensive examination fee is $95.
A child/adolescent initial comprehensive examination fee is $80.
Intra oral radiographs (x-rays) if required are an additional $50 each.
Once the dentist has assessed your treatment needs, you will then be provided a tailored, personalised plan that will indicate whether several treatments are required and an estimate of how much each visit will cost. Due to the complicated nature of dental treatments, it is impossible to give an accurate figure of the total costs prior to treatment starting. We will however, endeavour to provide as accurate a figure as possible.
Dental Hygiene review appointments
Adult review (upto 1 hour duration) $210 - This includes a periodic oral examination, removal of calculus, a prophylaxis (polishing) and application of a remineralising agent.
Adolescent review (30-45 minutes duration) $165 - Includes a periodic oral examination, removal of calculus, a prophylaxis(polishing) and application of a remineralising agent.
Children (15-30 minutes) $135 - Includes a periodic oral examination, removal of calculus, a prophylaxis(polishing) and application of a remineralising agent.
Should you need to change an appointment time, contact our reception staff who will be pleased to arrange an alternative day or time. Failure to attend a scheduled appointment or cancellation without 24 hours notice may incur a fee.
At The Tooth Doctor, we require full payment on the day. Any concerns regarding payment or any questions please contact our reception staff.
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CBDS)
We bulk bill patients eligible for the medicare child dental benefits scheme which means no out of pocket expenses.
The CDBS provides individual benefits for a range of services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions.
Eligible children will have access to a benefit cap of $1,000 over a two calendar year period.
To be eligible a child must be aged between 2-17 years and their family must receive Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment.
Families can check whether their child is eligible for the CDBS by contacting the Department of Human Services. For more information, parents can visit
We accept VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, cheques, cash and EFTPOS.
We welcome DVA (Veteran’s Affairs), TAC and Victims of Crime patients to our practice (conditions apply).